I distinctly remember times when Emily and I were at an eatery or catching a movie (pre-Benjamin) and we would see a couple out with their baby at 11:00PM - Emily and I would give them looks and mutter to ourselves, "Egads, what parents would have their kids out at this time of night?" I would like to apologize to every couple I prejudged, because I have now joined your ranks.
It struck me last Friday night that Fridays used to be special. "C'mon! I'm Friday night, not some run of the mill Tuesday or Wednesday. I have a restaurant named after me for cryin' out loud!"
But sadly our nights were starting to blend together, becoming a bit formulaic. So I made the executive decision after dinner that we're going out somewhere for dessert. Emily's reaction was part glee and part dish-dropping shock - I hate dessert and this was very out of character for me. But we needed what I am dubbing a "Rutbuster."
We eat late, so after dinner meant we rolled up to Cheesecake Factory around 10:30PM. And we had a great time. Some laughs, a little cheesecake and a few couples give us the look I knew all too well. But Emily and I had a Teflon® attitude about the whole thing. We needed some time out doing something out of the norm, even if it was as mundane as Apple Strusel Cheesecake. If they had a problem, well that's their problem.
Driving back home I did try and pinpoint why seeing a couple out sorta late with their baby seemed so wrong. I guess it seemed selfish, as though the couple was imposing their need to have a glass of Reuniti on ice on their hapless baby. I now know how baby's schedule's work - allowing small pockets of time for you to do whatever while they sleep. I also know that baby carriers are like a morphine drip for babies - give them one minute and they're out.
So my final ruling is that some times it's worth putting up with a mildly fussy baby the next day if it means you and the Mrs. get a little respite. I am an advocate for Rutbusting, but not for taking your baby to The Club to get your drink on or to a casino. If you do that, I will slowly shake my head and deep sigh at you.
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